How to save time when cutting pallet wood. The Plankmaker's Holdfast.
As I was about to start building a new hen house and had 30 pallet planks I needed to cut more

A Simple Home-made Honing Guide for Plane Irons & Chisels 1
Maybe a shudder runs down your spine at the thought of school geometry but there is an elegance in being able to
reproduce angles very accurately and more
A Simple Home-made Honing Guide for Plane Irons & Chisels 2
This method is to enable the beginner at sharpening to get a feel for
the correct sharpening angle by using a home-made low-cost more
A Simple Home-made Honing Guide for Knives
This time for knife sharpening - to enable the beginner to get a feel for the correct angle by using a home-made low-cost more
Accessory for my Simple Home-made Honing Guide for Knives
For the smaller blade on my Swiss Army Knife,it is harder to keep the straight edge against the flat face of the blade so... read more
Hand-powered Sander - Precision Picture Frames
From time to time I need to cut mitred corners for picture frames. This is something I find impossible to do free more
Home-made Guillotine from Scrap Metal
Fruit crates are in constant supply here, the problem is breaking them down is very time-consuming and prone to injury from
stray staples that is why I came
up with the idea of making a hand-powered guillotine similar in design
to the paper guillotines used in schools and more

Wheelbarrow rebuild using pallet wood
I made a pallet wood replacement for our wheelbarrow and it served its purpose for
about 8-10 years. During the last few months of life, I could see
the inherent mechanical weaknesses in my version and so as the frame and
wheel were still in running order, I more
A medium duty sack truck (here with 40kg/88lbs on board) from repurposed
materials, pallet wood, old (lawn mower) wheels, screws and... read more
Tailgate gas strut fail? Pallet wood car repair solution - 2 Methods
Goods are made from a series of mass-produced 'outsourced' components,...the durability of some is less than the working life
of the more

Crosscut Saw Table - designed & made from recuperated materials
The home-made crosscut saw table has proven a valuable addition to the
workshop. A robust hand power tool into a precision cutting tool at
little more
DIY Low light sights for a rifle made from scrap LEDs
purchased a .177 'springer' air rifle some years ago to control vermin
in our garden/backyard. I'd had considerable success with this method
until this year when the rats started coming out at more
Pallet Wood Dress Form & Display Dummy. Part 1
Sue is making costumes for Climb the Ivy Films in Scotland, with no
possibility for fittings. Our pallet wood dress form can be adjusted for
men women and more
Pallet Wood Dress Form & Display Dummy Part 2
Stretching a tee shirt over the form and/or padding it out with fabric
the finished mannequin also makes a great display stand for yard sales,
craft fairs or
for photographing items for sale on etsy or more
How to make a hands-free quick-action drilling clamp
This simple wooden clamp is fast and effective and cost me nothing to make! more
How to Make a Low Cost Router Table
I have several jobs lined up over the next few months which will involve
the use of a router. These include making several wooden doors. Much
of the planking I will be using will need to have moulded edges more
Home-made Studio Lights from Recuperated Materials
Anyone who takes photos or makes videos especially indoors realises the
importance of good lighting.
Some years ago I made a floodlight using a bright, low energy bulb
fitted into a reflector-lined bowl. The bowl was a plastic garden
planter and the whole thing cost me next to nothing to more
LED Telescope Tripod Lights from Scrap
There is nothing so sorry looking as a garland of Fairy lights with some
of the bulbs diminished or dead. You feel you can't throw them away as
some of the lamps are burning bravely... The lights here are
battery powered LEDs, which make them ideal for upcycling to tripod
lights, as they have both the required battery pack and more
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