Make Your Own Indoor Trellis Planter Part 1 -The Base
Many people complain that pallet wood isn't a suitable material for use in anything but rough and more
Make Your Own Indoor Trellis Planter-Part 2 -The Trellis
Simple and Elegant Hanging Wall Planter from Orange Box and Pallet Wood
These planters are very easy to make with hand tools, look stylish, can
be finished with earth pigments to suit your colour scheme and despite
their delicate appearance are robust and long more
I found your blog page while trying to fix my binoculars. I love converting/repurposing what my wife calls junk. No pallets available for me, so I will work on a different trellis material for my cucumbers, sweet peas and pole beans. Perhaps, I can use branches from my old apple tree. Keep on posting ideas and enjoy summer.
ReplyDeleteHi there and thank you for visiting! I will have some more collimation projects coming up shortly. Re trellis - we also make a lot out of bamboo and all kinds of branches - we have a forest garden, so no shortage of sticks! Seeing as you like converting and repurposing, I have just uploaded this: and there is also a welded rose arch coming up soon made from 12mm round mild steel bar, normally used for concrete reinforcing! Have a great Summer and all the very best from Normandie, Andy